Publikationen zu Szenariotechniken

Publication Type
2024 From scenarios to action - developing science based financing guidelines
Aydemir, Ali; Rohde, Clemens; Wilhelm, Maike; Fritz, Markus; Engstfeld, Stefanie; Lutz, Sandra
Conference Paper
2024 Methode zur Ableitung von Personalbedarfsprognosen für Produktionsprozesse angesichts technischer Produktinnovationen
Borrmann, Daniel
Conference Paper
2024 Foresight: Fifty Years to Think Your Futures
Cuhls, Kerstin; Dönitz, Ewa; Erdmann, Lorenz; Gransche, Bruno; Kimpeler, Simone; Schirrmeister, Elna; Warnke, Philine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2024 Coherence of novel policies for lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles: a multidimensional analysis of material flows and environmental impacts
Barkhausen, Robin
Conference Paper
2024 Assessment and analysis of the Power-to-X market and investment opportunities in Algeria
Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Müller, Viktor Paul; Hadrich, Max Julius; Riemer, Matia; Boie, Inga
2024 How technological and new societal trends may influence the European sustainable energy transition: analysis of policies, methodologies and impacts
Mikova, Nadezhda
Doctoral Thesis
2024 Évaluation et analyse du marché Power-to-X et des opportunités d'investissement en Algérie
Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Müller, Viktor Paul; Hadrich, Max Julius; Riemer, Matia; Boie, Inga
2024 Paving the way: Analysing energy transition pathways and green hydrogen exports in developing countries - The case of Algeria
Müller, Viktor Paul; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Vuuren, Detlef van
Journal Article
2024 Spatial analysis of renewable and excess heat potentials for climate-neutral district heating in Europe
Manz, Pia; Billerbeck, Anna; Kök, Ali; Fallahnejad, Mostafa; Fleiter, Tobias; Kranzl, Lukas; Braungardt, Sibylle; Eichhammer, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2024 The Digital Product Passport
Barwasser, Adrian; Schuseil, Frauke; Werner, Andreas; Jung, Moritz; Zimmermann, Nikolas
Journal Article
2024 Exploration of qualitative scenarios towards climate neutrality of the German building sector
Bagheri, Mahsa; Dönitz, Ewa; Yu, Songmin; Brugger, Heike
Conference Paper
2024 Exploring the Impact of the Industrial Metaverse
Rasztar, Leon Alexander; Rose, Robert; Neuhüttler, Jens
Journal Article
2023 Digitale Gesundheitsversorgung 2033: Trends, Szenarien und Thesen
Volpert, Annika; Hery, Daniela; Kraushaar, Judith; Elfert, Kilian; Schewina, Kai; Ahrens, Theresa; Moller, Björn; Dönitz, Ewa
2023 Foresight on Demand (FoD) Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on European Consumer Behaviour - Foresight Study
Kimpeler, Simone; Cuhls, Kerstin; Freudenberg, Charlotte; Guiffrè, Giovanna; Galvini, Giorgia; Ricci, Andrea; Marmora, Loredana; Giesecke, Susanne; Wasserbacher, Dana; Heinonen, Sirkka; Knudsen, Mikkel; Könnölä, Totti
2023 Szenarioprozesse für die Wissenschaftskommunikation am Beispiel von Quantentechnologien
Gutknecht, Ralph; Schirrmeister, Elna; Kimpeler, Simone
Conference Paper
2023 Gestaltung des MKS-Referenzszenarios für die Periode 2022 bis 2050 (REF-2050)
Schade, Wolfgang; Anstett, Philipp; Berthold, Daniel; Emmerich, Cornelia; Emmerich, Julian; Haug, Ines; Khanna, Arpita; Krail, Michael; Oehme, Rafael; Streif, Marcel; Walther, Christoph; Waßmuth, Volker
2023 Towards a Vision and Essential Steps in the Digital Transformation of Product Service Systems
Frings, Sandra; Kett, Holger Joachim
Conference Paper
2023 Scenarios of a desirable and fair energy transition
Dönitz, Ewa; Breitschopf, Barbara; Burghard, Uta
2023 A more User-Friendly Digital Wallet?
Krauß, Anna-Magdalena; Kostic, Sandra; Sellung, Rachelle
Conference Paper
2023 A stepwise approach for Scenario-based Inventory Modelling for Prospective LCA (SIMPL)
Langkau, Sabine; Steubing, Bernhard; Mutel, Christopher; Ajie, Maulana Permana; Erdmann, Lorenz; Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Janssen, Matty
Journal Article
2023 #futuredistricts2053
Braun, Steffen; Dienes, Katharina; Leyh, Jens; Rieck, Alexander; Letzgus, Mike
2023 Local food systems. Recipes for future proof business models
Moller, Björn; Giacomella, Lorenzo; Kirstgen, Anna; Pasch, Kerstin; Aganovic, Kemal; Dönitz, Ewa; Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane
2023 Ecosystem Scenarios as Environmental Futures - Implications for Participatory Framework Designs Integrating Social Capital Formation and Natural Capital Preservation
Weh, Ludwig; Weil, Charlotte; Haan, Gerhard de; Leinfelder, Reinhold
Journal Article
2022 Schlussbericht QuantA, Teilvorhaben FhG Zukunftsdialoge und Talent School. Teil I: Kurzbericht.Teil II: Eingehende Darstellung
Kimpeler, Simone
2022 Setting life cycle assessment (LCA) in a future-oriented context: the combination of qualitative scenarios and LCA in the agri-food sector
Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Zicari, Alberto; Smetana, Sergiy; Moller, Björn; Dönitz, Ewa; Vranken, Liesbet; Zdravkovic, Milena; Aganovic, Kemal; Bahrs, Enno
Journal Article
2022 No-Regret Strategien zur Dekarbonisierung der Niedertemperaturwärme und warum Gas darin keine Rolle spielt
Kranzl, Lukas; Forthuber, Sebastian; Fallahnejad, Mostafa; Müller, Andreas; Hummel, Marcus; Deac, Gerda; Bernath, Christiane; Kiefer, Christoph; García, Joshua; Sensfuß, Frank; Braungardt, Sibylle; Bürger, Veit
Conference Paper
2022 Transitions for ship propulsion to 2050: The AHOY combined qualitative and quantitative scenarios
Köhler, Jonathan; Dönitz, Ewa; Schätter, Frank
Journal Article
2022 Online tool for matching company demands with IT-security offerings
Fähnrich, Nicolas; Roßnagel, Heiko
Conference Paper
2022 The interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities
Wallwaey, Elisa; Cuhls, Kerstin; Havas, Attila
2022 Future hydrogen demand: A cross-sectoral, global meta-analysis
Riemer, Matia; Zheng, Lin; Eckstein, Johannes; Wietschel, Martin; Pieton, Natalia; Kunze, Robert
2021 Bestandsaufnahme der Szenariomethodik - Ansätze einer kritischen Analyse
Weimert, Birgit; Römer, Silke
Journal Article
2021 Futures Assessed alongside socio-Technical Evolutions (FATE)
2021 What can we do? Participatory foresight for the bioeconomy transition
Kimpeler, Simone; Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Hüsing, Bärbel; Schirrmeister, Elna
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Methoden der prospektiven Technologiebetrachtung / Technikvorausschau
Cuhls, Kerstin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Potentials for district heating generation in a climate-neutral energy system
Manz, Pia; Fallahnejad, Mostafa; Billerbeck, Anna
Conference Paper
2021 Understanding the controversial impact of new societal trends on long-term energy demand in European countries
Mikova, Nadezhda; Brugger, Heike; Rosa, Aaron; Eichhammer, Wolfgang
Conference Paper
2021 Policy lensing of future-oriented strategic intelligence: An experiment connecting foresight with decision making contexts
Robinson, Douglas K.R.; Schoen, Antoine; Larédo, Philippe; Gallart, Jordi M.; Warnke, Philine; Kuhlmann, Stefan; Ordónez-Matamoros, Gonzalo
Journal Article
2021 Criteria for the evaluation of climate protection scenarios
Duwe, Matthias; Evans, Nick; Voß, Philipp; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Duscha, Vicki
2021 Klimaschutz- und Energieeffizienzpotenziale in der Abwasserwirtschaft - aktueller Stand und Perspektiven
Niederste-Hollenberg, Jutta; Winkler, Jenny; Fritz, Markus; Zheng, Lin; Hillenbrand, Thomas; Kolisch, Gerd; Schirmer, Gitta; Borger, Julia; Doderer, Hannes; Dörrfuß, Ilka
2021 Allocation scenarios: Homecharging, public charging and an outlook for truck charging
Gauglitz, Philip; Speth, Daniel
2021 Environmental impacts of the future supply of rare earths for magnet applications
Langkau, Sabine; Erdmann, Martin
Journal Article
2021 Transition to the bioeconomy - Analysis and scenarios for selected niches
Wydra, Sven; Hüsing, Bärbel; Köhler, Jonathan; Schwarz, Alexander; Schirrmeister, Elna; Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane
Journal Article
2021 Multiple futures for society, research, and innovation in the European Union: jumping to 2038
Daimer, Stephanie; Havas, Attila; Cuhls, Kerstin; Yorulmaz, Merve; Vrgovic, Petar
Journal Article
2021 Interaction of energy storage technologies and synthetic fuels in long-term decarbonization scenarios
Böttger, Diana; Kost, Christoph; Wrede, Daniel; Lux, Benjamin; Fleiter, Tobias; Pfluger, Benjamin; Heilig, Judith; Gerhardt, Norman; Haendel, Michael
Conference Paper
2021 The link between product service lifetime and GHG emissions: A comparative study for different consumer products
Glöser-Chahoud, Simon; Pfaff, Matthias; Schultmann, Frank
Journal Article
2021 Energy Efficiency Vision 2050: How will new societal trends influence future energy demand in the European countries?
Brugger, Heike; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Mikova, Nadezhda; Dönitz, Ewa
Journal Article
2021 Support to the development of ambitious climate change scenarios in Europe. Final report
Duwe, Matthias; Evans, Nick; Duscha, Vicki; Wachsmuth, Jakob
2021 Measures to increase local food supply in the context of european framework scenarios for the agri-food sector
Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Derler, Hartmut; Moller, Björn; Dönitz, Ewa; Bahrs, Enno; Berner, Simon
Journal Article
2020 Deep decarbonisation of the German industry via electricity or gas? A scenario-based comparison of pathways
Fleiter, Tobias; Rehfeldt, Matthias; Neuwirth, Marius; Herbst, Andrea
Conference Paper
2020 Time and Futures. Zeit und Zukünfte in der Vorausschau - Konzepte in den Zukunftswissenschaften
Cuhls, Kerstin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Methodological challenges for combining qualitative future scenarios and LCA in the food and agricultural sector
Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Moller, Björn; Dönitz, Ewa
2020 Scenario development using web mining for outlining technology futures
Kayser, Victoria; Shala, Erduana
Journal Article
2020 From global to national scenarios. Bridging different models to explore power generation decarbonisation based on insights from socio-technical transition case studies
Hof, Andries F.; Carrara, Samuel; Cian, Enrica de; Pfluger, Benjamin; Sluisveld, Mariësse A.E. van; Boer, Harmen S. de; Vuuren, Detlef P. van
Journal Article
2020 Psychological biases and heuristics in the context of foresight and scenario processes
Schirrmeister, Elna; Göring, Anne-Louise; Warnke, Philine
Journal Article
2020 Zero carbon propulsion in shipping - scenarios for the development of hydrogen and wind technologies with the MATISSE-SHIP model
Köhler, Jonathan
Journal Article
2020 Die Zukunft des Internet of Things im verarbeitenden Gewerbe
Heimberger, Heidi; Dönitz, Ewa; Nimis, Jens
Journal Article
2020 Actors, decision-making, and institutions in quantitative system modelling
Cian, Enrica de; Dasgupta, Shouro; Hof, Andries F.; Sluisveld, Mariësse A.E. van; Köhler, Jonathan; Pfluger, Benjamin; Vuuren, Detlef P. van
Journal Article
2020 Development of scenarios for a multi-model system analysis based on the example of a cellular energy system
Kühnbach, Matthias; Guthoff, Felix; Bekk, Anke; Eltrop, Ludger
Journal Article
2020 Socio-technical scenarios as a methodological tool to explore social and political feasibility in low-carbon transitions: Bridging computer models and the multi-level perspective in UK electricity generation (2010-2050)
Geels, Frank W.; McMeekin, Andrew; Pfluger, Benjamin
Journal Article
2019 Low-carbon energy scenarios 2050 in north-west European countries: Towards a more harmonised approach to achieve the EU targets
Mikova, Nadezhda; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Pfluger, Benjamin
Journal Article
2019 Low-Carbon Europe 2050
Matthes, Felix C.; Greiner, Benjamin; Duscha, Vicki; Wachsmuth, Jakob
2019 Cost-efficiency of the EU emissions trading system: An evaluation of the second trading period
Cludius, Johanna; Duscha, Vicki; Friedrichsen, Nele; Schumacher, Katja
Journal Article
2019 Szenario-Report: KI-basierte Arbeitswelten 2030
Burmeister, Klaus; Fink, Alexander; Mayer, Christina; Schiel, Andreas; Schulz-Montag, Beate
2019 Achievability of the Paris targets in the EU - the role of demand-side-driven mitigation in different types of scenarios
Wachsmuth, Jakob; Duscha, Vicki
Journal Article
2019 How can Germany reach its 2030 sectoral emissions targets? Energy efficiency, renewable energy or reduction of energy consumption? An impact assessment of different pathways
Repenning, Julia; Schumacher, Katja; Fleiter, Tobias; Sievers, Luisa; Pfaff, Matthias; Thamling, Nils; Rau, Dominik; Lösch, Oliver; Worz, Axel; Hartwig, Johannes
Conference Paper
2019 Wider economic and social implications of sustainable economy approaches: Some insights from a scenario exercise
Walz, Rainer; Oldenburg, Clara; Pfaff, Matthias; Schuler, Johannes; Gotsch, Matthias; Marscheider-Weidemann, Frank; Hiete, Michael
Journal Article
2019 A systems thinking approach to corporate strategy development
Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A.; Almeida, André; Seus, Fanny
Journal Article
2019 Coping with uncertainties of sustainability transitions using exploratory modelling: The case of the MATISSE model and the UK's mobility sector
Moallemi, Enayat A.; Köhler, Jonathan
Journal Article
2019 Are open access models able to assess today's energy scenarios?
Oberle, Stella; Elsland, Rainer
Journal Article
2017 Analysing the contribution of internal heat gains when evaluating the thermal performance of buildings
Elsland, Rainer
Conference Paper
2017 Benchmarking the EU reference scenario 2016: An alternative bottom-up analysis of long-term energy consumption in Europe
Herbst, Andrea; Elsland, Rainer; Reiter, Ulrich; Fleiter, Tobias; Rehfeldt, Matthias
Conference Paper
2017 The world of raw materials 2050
2017 Extending the knowledge base of foresight: The contribution of text mining
Kayser, Victoria; Blind, Knut
Journal Article
2017 Transformative policy mixes in socio-technical scenarios: The case of the low-carbon transition of the German electricity system (2010-2050)
Rogge, Karoline; Pfluger, Benjamin; Geels, Frank
2017 Analysis of selected climate protection scenarios for European countries
Duscha, Vicki; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Donat, Lena
2016 Small-scale modelling of urban structure types for the cost evaluation in sanitary environmental engineering
Schulwitz, Martin; Hillenbrand, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 A critical analysis of energy efficiency improvement potentials in Taiwan's cement industry
Huang, Yun-Hsun; Chang, Yi-Lin; Fleiter, Tobias
Journal Article
2016 Generating futures from text - scenario development using text mining
Kayser, Victoria; Shala, Erduana
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Szenariobasierte Bewertung der Zukunftsrelevanz von Nachhaltigkeitstechnologien
Berner, Simon; Dönitz, Ewa; Westhofen, Aline; Moller, Björn
Journal Article
2016 A transition pathway for Germany's industry: Which role for energy efficiency?
Fleiter, Tobias; Rehfeldt, Matthias; Pfluger, Benjamin
Conference Paper
2016 Opportunities and challenges of high renewable energy deployment and electricity exchange for North Africa and Europe - scenarios for power sector and transmission infrastructure in 2030 and 2050
Boie, Inga; Kost, Christoph; Bohn, Sven; Agsten, Michael; Bretschneider, Peter; Snigovyi, Oleksandr; Pudlik, Martin; Ragwitz, Mario; Schlegl, Thomas; Westermann, Dirk
Journal Article
2016 Constructing transformative scenarios for research and innovation futures
Erdmann, Lorenz; Schirrmeister, Elna
Journal Article
2015 Assessing the optimal use of electric heating systems for integrating renewable energy sources
Boßmann, Tobias; Elsland, Rainer; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Catenazzi, Giacomo; Jakob, Martin
Journal Article
2015 Transport demand evolution in Europe - factors of change, scenarios and challenges
Bernardino, Joao P.R.; Aggelakakis, Aggelos; Reichenbach, Max; Vieira, J.; Boile, Maria; Schippl, Jens; Christidis, Panayotis; Papanikolaou, Anestis; Condeco, Ana; Garcia, H.; Krail, Michael
Journal Article
2015 Ein neues Framework für Serious-Gaming-Methoden in der Zukunftsforschung
Weimert, Birgit; Häger, Stephan
Journal Article
2015 Sozialwissenschaftliche Begleitforschung Modellregionen II (Themenfeld Nutzerperspektive)
Dütschke, Elisabeth; Schneider, Uta; Globisch, Joachim
2015 The macroeconomic benefits of ambitious energy efficiency policy - a case study for Germany (1-384-15) (1-384-15)
Braungardt, Sibylle; Kockat, Judit; Hartwig, Johannes; Schade, Wolfgang
Conference Paper
2015 What drives the impact of future support policies for energy efficiency in buildings?
Kranzl, Lukas; Müller, Andreas; Toleikyte, Agne; Kockat, Judit; Steinbach, Jan
Conference Paper
2015 Emerging technologies in civil security - a scenario-based analysis
Bierwisch, Antje; Kayser, Victoria; Shala, Erduana
Journal Article
2014 Scenarios for renewable energy deployment in North African countries and electricity exchange with Europe - a model-based analysis for 2050
Boie, Inga; Pudlik, Martin; Ragwitz, Mario; Sensfuss, F.; Bohn, Sven; Agsten, Michael; Bretschneider, Peter; Westermann, Dirk
Journal Article
2014 Health care for people with dementia in 2030 - results of a multidisciplinary scenario process
Vollmar, H.C.; Goluchowicz, K.; Beckert, B.; Dönitz, E.; Bartholomeyczik, S.; Ostermann, T.; Boustani, M.; Buscher, I.
Journal Article
2014 Ethical dilemma scenarios and emerging technologies
Wright, David; Finn, Rachel L.; Gellert, Raphael; Gutwirth, Serge; Schütz, Philip; Friedewald, Michael; Venier, Silvia; Mordini, Emilio
Journal Article
2014 Generating Futures from Text. Scenario Development using Text Mining
Kayser, Victoria; Shala, Erduana
2014 Future threat scenarios for identifying societal security needs - the methodological approach based on European Project Ettis
Dönitz, Ewa; Shala, Erduana; Leimbach, Timo
Conference Paper
2014 Are internal heat gains underestimated in thermal performance evaluation of buildings?
Elsland, Rainer; Peksen, Ilhan; Wietschel, Martin
Journal Article
2014 Die Rolle der technologischen Kurzsichtigkeit bei langfristigen Energieszenarien
Elsland, Rainer; Harter, Christian; Wietschel, Martin
Journal Article
2014 Comparative analysis of methods for strategic security research planning
Burbiel, Joachim; Schietke, Ruth
Conference Paper
2013 Envisioning structural transformation - Lessons from a foresight project on the future of innovation
Schirrmeister, E.; Warnke, P.
Journal Article
2013 Regionalisierung globaler sozioökonomischer Wandelprozesse für die Wasserwirtschaft - Die Elbe als mittleres Einzugsgebiet in einer Transformationsökonomie
Hartje, Volkmar; Ansmann, Till; Blazejczak, Jürgen; Gömann, Horst; Gornig, Martin; Grossmann, Malte; Hillenbrand, Thomas; Hoymann, Jana; Kreins, Peter; Markewitz, Peter; Mutafoglu, Konar; Richmann, Agnes; Sartorius, Christian; Schulz, Erika; Vögele, Stefan; Walz, Rainer
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2013 Foresight and scenarios at Fraunhofer ISI
Dönitz, Ewa; Schirrmeister, Elna
Journal Article
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